How To Safely Enjoy Lake Tahoe

It’s perfectly understandable that you’re hesitant to leave the house.  But we’ll help you put your toe in the water—literally–here at Lake Tahoe.  Travel therapy is what you need.  Wide-open outdoors and unparalleled beauty, reconnecting with nature.  It’s pretty easy, really, and it will all come back to you.  It’s like riding a bike!  As a matter of fact, you can do that here.  And hike and relax and rejoice in rejoining your friends and family.  Hey, and keep on that physical distancing even on trails, beaches, and in parks.  Wash your hands frequently, wear a face covering, bring hand sanitizer, and leave no trace to help this big beauty Lake Tahoe remain blue and clean.  

Planning a visit to Lake Tahoe? Here is what you need to know ….