Safer Visitation

Safer Visitation

Lake Tahoe is the perfect destination for visitors to begin venturing out and we are ready to offer the ultimate ‘travel therapy’ experience. Our wide-open outdoors and unparalleled beauty offer an ideal setting to reconnect with nature. 

Water Safety

Water safety after heavy snowmelt

Tahoe Boating Safety

Loaner personal floatation devices are available at Cave Rock and Tahoe Douglas Fire Stations courtesy of Nevada Division of Wildlife.

Safer visitation is up to visitors and residents alike. We ask that you maintain a safe physical distance even on our trails, beaches, and parks. And, as you’re recreating in our beautiful destination, please make sure to leave no trace, wash your hands frequently and bring hand sanitizer.

Wood and Charcoal Fires Prohibited

National Forest trails, trailheads, beaches and interpretive areas in the Lake Tahoe Basin are open. Please be aware of Fire Restrictions at Lake Tahoe.

South Lake Tahoe Restaurant Message

Tahoe has a litter problem infographic

City of South Lake Tahoe Fire Restrictions

Fire season is upon us and many restrictions are now in effect where outdoor burning, campfires, and fire pits are concerned. 2020 started out with the driest February on record since the 1850s, and there is an increased fire danger posed by dead grass and hotter, drier conditions in the region.

Fireworks are not allowed anywhere in the Lake Tahoe Basin. More information.

Updated Fire Restrictions at Lake Tahoe

City of South Lake Tahoe Fire Restrictions

Fireworks are dangerous and illegal!

Fireworks of any kind will not be tolerated. Yes, that includes sparklers and the “Safe and Sane” fireworks sold nearby.

Anyone caught using or possessing ANY kind of firework could be cited, or arrested, and booked into jail. We will also confiscate any fireworks that we find. Save your time, save your money, protect our community and keep fireworks OUT of El Dorado County.

El Dorado County Fireworks Illegal

Reminder to #RecreateResponsibly Independence Day weekend