Fall climbing in Tahoe
By: Lauren Lindley
By: Lauren Lindley
I’m so thrilled to have my friend Ann Raber in town. Ann had been talking about visiting Tahoe for ages, ever since she sold all her stuff and decided to go on a never ending climbing trip. Ann is a ClimbTech Team Ambassador, a savvy traveler, an amazing climber and all around just a fun, smart lady. My friend Damion, otherwise known as my “brotha from anotha motha” and the resident expert on Tahoe climbing, took us to Mayhem Cove for some amazing fall climbing. We wanted to show off Tahoe’s sport routes and I was tasked with getting some photos of Ann for her sponsors.
Big wall shot of Ann Raber on the 2nd pitch of Cajun Hell (5.13a/b). Also, check out this killer video of Ann bouldering in the Tahoe area.
I probably haven’t been to Mayhem Cove in five years which may also amount to the number of years it has been since I’ve actually climbed in Tahoe. I had a BLAST. I forgot how much I love climbing.
If you’ve never spent fall in Tahoe, it’s absolutely prime-time for climbing. It’s cool, but not freezing: the temp is lovely to sweat in and the rock is nice and grippy.
One of Tahoe’s premier climbs is the two pitch Cajun Hell (5.13a/b), made up of Huntin’ Gator and Drinkin’ White Lightning. The exposure of makes you feel like you are big wall climbing and the view over Emerald Bay is absolutely stunning.
Silhouette of Damion Estrada on Psycho II in Mayhem Cove, South Lake Tahoe, CA at dusk
Want to come climb this fall in Tahoe? Here are your best resources for local crag info.
In addition, Lake Tahoe Community College offers a Kids Climbing Course weekly or over certain weekends of the year taught by none other than Damion himself. If you have children who love the outdoors, this is a great way to give them hands on experience in getting dirty, having fun and becoming connected to the world around them.
Lodging in Lake Tahoe