Fall Fish Fest is family fun!

By: Lake Tahoe Staff

Kokanee Salmon costumes at the Fall Fish Festival at Lake Tahoe

Please note: There will not be a Fall Fish Fest for 2024. You can still see the fish swim upstream at Taylor Creek.

Article on Kokanee Salmon Spawning – Taylor Creek

Celebrate the fall migration of the Kokanee salmon during the annual Fall Fish Fest at the Taylor Creek Visitor Center.

Annually on the first weekend in October each year. The weekend events feature children’s activities and educational and streamside programs. Not to be missed is the return of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s giant inflatable fish – the fish’s tail serves as the gateway to fun activity stations for kids.

The festival encourages participation by children and their parents in a wide variety of educational and entertaining activities that, over the years, has included:

  • Treasure Hunt
  • Fish Painting
  • Mascots – Lulu the Lahontan Cutthroat Trout and Sandy and Rocky Salmon
  • A visit from Smokey Bear!
  • Giant inflatable Lahontan Cutthroat Trout – sponsored by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • Bumble Bee Ice Cream Truck
Taylor Creek Fall Fish Fest
Yes, that is a giant, inflatable fish! Photo: USFS

The Taylor Creek Visitor Center is located three miles north of South Lake Tahoe on Highway 89. Join the fun and participate in this free family event, which has become one of Northern California’s most fascinating educational and wildlife-viewing events.

Taylor Creek Kokanee Salmon
A pair of Kokanee salmon. Photo by Merick Rickman.

With the popularity of the Fall Fish Festival at the Visitor Center, the parking lot at the Visitor Center fills quickly. Visitors are encouraged to ride a bike along the bike path between Camp Richardson and the Visitor Center or take public transportation from South Lake Tahoe.

Bears at Taylor Creek Visitor Center

Black Bears visit Taylor Creek on a regular basis during the annual spawning run of the Kokanee Salmon. The U.S. Forest Service has posted “Be Bear Aware” signs alongside the creek to educate the public about proper bear safety.

Safety tips include:

  • Do not approach bears.
  • Keep a safe distance from bears.
  • Do not feed bears.
  • Secure food and garbage.
  • Lastly, we request that all visitors stay on the trail and not run from the bears if sighted.
  • The “Be Bear Aware” signs are available for download.
  • Be safe, be smart, and enjoy all our wildlife at Taylor Creek this fall.
Bears in Tahoe Taylor Creek Eating Kokanee Salmon
Even the bears enjoy the Fall Fish Fest and Kokanee salmon! Photo by Merick Rickman.

Contact Information
Taylor Creek Visitor Center
(530) 543-2674
Hwy 89 past Camp Richardson
South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150