
This Location:
Granite Lake is a little Tahoe jewel tucked away in the fold of the ridge leading up to Maggie’s Peaks. The trail is steep making this an intermediate hike, although many beginners could make it to the lake with some rest stops…and there are several with beautiful views. For the more hardy, the trail continues steeply up from Granite Lake to near Maggie’s Peaks. From the top of South Maggie’s Peak the views of Tahoe, Cascade, Emerald Bay, and the Desolation Wilderness are stunning.
Where To Start: Emerald Bay is located a few miles north of South Lake Tahoe on Highway 89. The Bayview trail starts at the end of the Bayview Campground opposite Inspiration Point which is the scenic overlook located one mile before you get to Emerald Bay. A wooden sign points right to Granite Lake and left to Cascade Falls.
Granite Lake
Eldorado National Forest, El Dorado County, CA 96150