
Frosty Shoreline Snowshoe Experience

Beach Retreat & Lodge at Tahoe

3411 Lake Tahoe Blvd., South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

December 6

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm

February 13 @ 11:31 am

Frosty Shoreline Snowshoe Experience at the Tahoe Beach Retreat & Lodge. Weather permitting. Fridays and Saturdays in December. 5:00 pm. $20, includes snowshoes and a complimentary cocktail.

Call the Beach Retreat & Lodge at Tahoe for more information: (530) 541-6722

Step into a one-of-a-kind winter adventure as you explore the snow-covered beaches of Lake Tahoe. Perfect for both beginners and experienced snowshoers, these excursions offer an exhilarating trek along the frozen shoreline—ideal for capturing those Instagram-worthy moments. Afterward, cozy up by the fire pits with a specialty drink in hand, letting the soft crunch of snow and the warmth of your beverage make for an unforgettable evening.

*Subject to weather conditions.

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