Florists & Decor

Rose Petals Florist

Rose Petals Florist has been serving the beautiful Lake Tahoe area since 1983, designing floral arrangements for every special occasion.

From weddings to birthdays, we pride ourselves on great customer service and individual attention. Having served hundreds of brides over the years, we know the importance of YOUR event and strive to make it a memorable one. Rose Petals Florists has enjoyed a relationship with Edgewood Tahoe and has been on their recommended vendor list for over 25 years. We also are the florists for the Celebrity Golf Tournament.

Just give us call and we will be happy to help you make your OWN unique selection and create floral arrangements that suit your personal taste.
Our floral shop was on Lifetime Television in March of 2002! Also, one of our brides and bouquets were featured on the cover of Wedding Affair magazine.

Rose Petals was awarded the best pick for wedding flowers and service for 2008, 2009, and 2010 by

Rose Petals Florist

225 Kingsbury Grade, Zephyr Cove, NV 89448