Tahoe Events Center Exterior Work on Schedule - Interior Work to Continue Through Winter

Outdoor improvements planned for completion in October

SOUTH LAKE TAHOE, CALIF./NEV. (Oct. 11, 2022) – The Tahoe Events Center is in the final stages of being closed in for the fall and winter months, paving the way for interior work to continue in anticipation of the July 2023 opening. The undergrounding of existing overhead utility lines, sewer upgrades, and construction of new curbs and sidewalks around the perimeter are being finished this month.

Inside the Events Center main bowl, the construction team is placing concrete for the installation of the refrigerated ice floor. This major milestone for the building will be finished in November. Fixed seating installation is planned in early December with food and beverage equipment in January. The building’s main electrical equipment is scheduled for arrival and placement between February and late June.

Finished construction on the main concourse includes framing, insulation and sheet rocking of the entire south, west and north runways, and the rough-in of main plumbing and electrical lines. The upper concourse, which includes the suite and conference level, is framed and in initial closed-in stages.  Concrete pours have continued almost weekly for several months in both interior and exterior locations.

Designed to complement the destination’s gaming and recreational offerings, the Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority Events Center will provide a venue for conventions, special events and entertainment. It will also host a variety of activities for the local South Tahoe community, including concerts, and family programming, as well as professional and amateur sporting events.  Plans include up to 130 events a year with opportunities to expand visitation into shoulder seasons and mid-week periods. The new Lake Link year round micro-transit system offers car-free access and will help move traffic through the state line area. The anticipated economic impact to the entire community is estimated at $40-60 million per year. When completed the center will employ approximately 15 full-time team members and between 200 to 300 part-time staff to run the events.

The project will feature two levels: an event floor with suites, conference and meeting rooms as well as an event lawn area. Seating for a maximum of 6,000 will be available for stage concerts, between 2,500 to 5,300 for performing arts productions, and 3,000 to 5,000 for trade shows, and sporting exhibitions. Hockey and ice event configurations will accommodate 4,200, and basketball or similar events will seat 4,700. For conferences, the event floor can provide up to 27,000 square feet, with the upper levels at 15,000 to 16,000 square feet for meeting room space.

“Active promotion of the Events Center for conventions, concerts, family shows and sporting events is ongoing and the response to a venue of this size and scope on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe is overwhelmingly positive,” said Carol Chaplin, president and chief executive officer of the Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority. “There is a lot of interest for fall and spring dates, which is exactly the time we want and need these events.”

The Tahoe South Events Center will also be the home of a new public art piece commissioned by The Tahoe Fund, with support from Tahoe Blue Vodka, from internationally recognized artists Joel Dean Stockdill and Yustina Salnikova of Building 180. “Surfaced,” a sculpture representing the indigenous bald eagle and Lahontan cutthroat trout, was crafted from recycled materials surfaced during Clean Up The Lake’s 72-mile scuba reclamation project. More than 1,200 votes were cast in a public contest to determine the design.  

For more on the Tahoe Events Center, or to submit an inquiry to host an event, discuss sponsorship, or become a premium seat holder, visit https://tahoedouglasva.org.

Utility line work progresses along with the construction of new curbs and sidewalks around the perimeter of the Tahoe Events Center. (Photo credit: Tahoe Events Center)


Media Contacts:
Christina Proctor, christina@weidingerpr.com
Phil Weidinger, dinger@weidingerpr.com
Weidinger Public Relations

About the Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority
The Tahoe Douglas Visitors Authority, a Nevada public agency, was created by the Nevada Legislature in June of 1997 with the passage of Assembly Bill 616 (The Tahoe-Douglas Visitors Authority Act). In an effort to boost tourism, the Act was passed to create the Authority and impose an occupancy tax on hotel room rentals in the County. The act allocates a portion of these occupancy-tax revenues for two purposes; first, for advertising, publicizing, and promoting tourism and recreation in the Township; second, to spend the allocated proceeds on planning, construction, and operation of a multi-use events center in the Township.

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