Roam Responsibly

Summer Rules

Lake Tahoe is beautiful just the way it is. To help it stay that way, we created the Rules to Lake By: five simple, easy-to-follow guidelines for exploring the South Shore sustainably. Read up, head out, and enjoy the awesome all summer long.

Find Places to Stay
dog sailing in lake tahoe

Furry Travelers Welcome

Soak up the sun with your favorite four-legged friends. At Lake Tahoe, leashed dogs are welcome on lots of trails, restaurants, and shops around the shore. (Just remember the third Rule to Lake By: Let’s Leave Less, especially when it comes to cleaning up after our pets!)

It’s cloudy today. ⛅
The temperature is 58°F.
Ready to go for a hike?

Things to Do

Spend Summer Here

With awesome things to do around every corner, and enough natural beauty to fill – well, an entire lake – the South Shore is.

view of south lake tahoe shore

Rules to Lake By

Keeping the South Shore Awe and then Some takes a little effort from a whole lot of people. That’s why we encourage locals and visitors alike to live the Rules to Lake By: five simple ways to keep Lake Tahoe clean, visit responsibly, and ensure everyone feels welcome.

Read the Rules